Today sees the release of Alpesh Chauhan’s debut album, Tchaikovsky: Orchestral works for Chandos Records, which was recorded at Glasgow City Halls with the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra of which Alpesh is Associate Conductor. The recording features a collection of the composer’s symphonic fantasias: La Tempête, Francesca da Rimini, and The Voyevoda, alongside the Overture and Polonaise from the comic opera Cherevichki.

The album has already been named Disc of the Day on France Musique and received early praise from Pierre Lamy on Qobuz: “One leaves this disc with the feeling they’ve returned from a long journey, and with the conviction that one has witnessed the birth of a tremendous conductor. Rarely has Tchaikovsky resounded with such a sense of drama or with such inflections of immensity. Alpesh Chauhan will be creating dreams for much time to come.”

For further details, click here.